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Introduction to the School of Life Sciences, Ludong Universit

发表日期:2022年09月19日 10:04 来源:suncitygroup太阳集团 浏览次数:

The School of Life Sciences of Ludong University was founded in 1984, and in 2011, it jointly established the Wine College with Zhangyu Company, and in 2020, it cooperated with the Green Leaf Life Science Group to establish the Green Leaf Life and Health Industry College, all of which were affiliated with the College of Life Sciences, of which the Green Leaf Life and Health Industry College was approved as the first batch of modern industrial college construction points in Shandong Province in 2021.

In the past 38 years, the college has strived to introduce talents, cultivate teams, integrate resources, condense directions, strengthen local awareness of service, promote the construction of innovative teams, and gradually develop into a college with a strong foundation, excellent teaching style, high teaching quality, distinctive school-running characteristics, and strong development momentum.The college has been awarded the honorary titles of advanced collective, advanced unit of party building and ideological and political work, advanced unit of teaching work, advanced unit of scientific research work, etc. for consecutive years, and the party committee of the college has been awarded the title of advanced grass-roots party organization by the Yantai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Provincial Higher Work Committee.In 2005, the first class of biological sciences undergraduate was rated as the national advanced class collective, in 2009 the college was awarded the advanced collective of teaching management in Shandong Province, in 2016 it was awarded the provincial "May Fourth Red Flag Regiment General Branch", in 2021, the female teachers of the college "Green Leaf Pioneer" team was awarded the provincial team, and the graduate party branch was approved as the "first batch of postgraduate model branches in Shandong Province".

The college consists of three teaching and research institutions: the Department of Biological Sciences, the Department of Biopharmaceuticals and the Department of Biological Engineering.There are 86 faculty members, including 18 professors, 19 associate professors and 56 teachers with doctoral degrees.There are 1 expert of the National Young Talents Program, 1 distinguished professor of Taishan Scholars, 1 distinguished professor of "Chutian Scholars", 2 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Shandong Province, 1 expert of environmental control positions of poultry innovation team of Modern Agricultural Industry System in Shandong Province, and 2 special experts of Yantai "Double Hundred Plan";There are 40 master's supervisors.The school also employs more than 30 part-time professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University and well-known universities and research institutions at home and abroad.

The college has 4 undergraduate majors in biological sciences, biopharmaceuticals, biological engineering, grape and wine engineering and 2 Sino-foreign cooperative education projects, with 1519 undergraduate students.Among them, the biological science major is the construction point of the national first-class undergraduate major (2021) and the national characteristic major (2007);The bioengineering major is a provincial first-class undergraduate major (2020) and was selected into the provincial outstanding engineer training program (2017);The biopharmaceutical major is a specialty set up to meet the needs of emerging industries (2016).In 2018, the biological sciences and biopharmaceutical majors were supported by the provincial education service new and old kinetic energy conversion professional docking industry project.Since 2011, it has jointly opened a biological sciences (Sino-foreign cooperative education) major with the University of Bridgeport in the United States, and successfully passed the evaluation of the Ministry of Education in 2013, and the enrollment scale has achieved continuous growth;From 2022, we will start grape and wine engineering with the University of Sassari in Italy.D.

With two first-level master's programs in ecology and biology and a professional degree authorization point for master's degree in subject teaching (biology) education, there are 115 graduate students in the school, and the scale of graduate enrollment has expanded year by year.The college has established a good cooperative relationship with many universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad, in addition to exchanging teachers for exchange visits, it has also sent graduate students and college students to Visit Korea's Won kwang University, Murray State University and other universities in the United States.

Luye Life and Health Industry College is based on the construction of "Biological Sciences" (provincial first-class undergraduate major), "Biopharmaceuticals" (Provincial New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Major Docking Industrial Strategy Emerging Majors), "Grape and Wine Engineering" and other professional constructions in the College of Life Sciences of Ludong University, relying on the advantages of Luye Life Science Group's biopharmaceutical industry, Yantai Zhangyu Grape Winemaking Co., Ltd., Yantai National Biopharmaceutical Industry Cluster, Yantai Grape and Wine Industry Advantages, facing the development of industrial transformation and regional economic needs. It is a modern industrial college that is jointly run by schools and enterprises to strengthen students' professional competence, innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities, and sustainable development capabilities, and ultimately grow into outstanding engineers.The Industrial College implements a mixed-system application-oriented talent training model in which schools, enterprises and governments participate in multiple entities and multi-party collaborative education, negotiates and makes decisions on major matters of running schools, and forms an "independent governance" school-running mechanism.The board of directors of the college is set up as the decision-making and power body of the college, which is composed of relevant personnel of the school, enterprises and Yantai municipal government, the administrative management team of the college is set up as the specific executive body for the management of the college, and the professional construction steering committee is set up as the professional construction planning agency.Talent training includes undergraduate, master's and master's degrees through the three training systems, at the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan to achieve joint training with other domestic universities to train professional degree doctoral students

College students have a strong desire to become talents, participate in scientific and technological innovation activities enthusiastically, and it has become a common practice to study for graduate school.More than 300 graduates of previous years have been engaged in higher education, scientific research and management in 985 colleges and universities and relevant research institutions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Undergraduate graduates are distributed in various fields such as basic education, higher education, scientific research, economic construction, and social services, and a large number of outstanding graduates have emerged, such as Li Xianghong, a provincial-level outstanding teacher and teaching expert, Yu Guangzhi of the United Nations Wildlife Conservation Organization, Li Shuqiang of Harvard University, and Wang Shaokui, a young Yangtze River scholar.

In the past 5 years, undergraduate students have won a total of 423 awards in provincial and above competitions;"1 National Bronze Award of "China Youth Agriculture-related Industry Competition";15 national first prizes in the National College English Competition;"15 special prizes of the "National Teacher Training Students Teaching Skills Competition" of the Chinese Cup;There are 105 other national awards.It has approved 175 national university student innovation and entrepreneurship program projects.The one-time pass rate of the University English Level 4 exam is more than 80%.The graduate examination rate of fresh graduates remains above 50%, and the employment rate remains above 98%.

The college attaches great importance to discipline construction and laboratory construction, the first-level discipline of biology is one of the 6 disciplines strengthened by the school, and the marine biotechnology laboratory (formerly the applied biotechnology laboratory) is the key laboratory of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" of the Department of Education of Shandong Province.Approved 2 basic course laboratory construction projects supported by Shandong Province, 1 key discipline laboratory construction project in Shandong Province, 2 construction projects of Shandong Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, and 3 scientific research platforms at or above the municipal level of China Algae Industry Association Microalgae Research Institute, Yantai Animal Pathogenic Microorganisms and Immunology Laboratory, and Yantai Microalgae Engineering Technology Research Center;It has built a relatively advanced "Life Science Center Laboratory", "Basic Biology Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center" and "Biological Engineering and Technology Experimental Teaching Center".It has a number of pilot workshops for wine, beer, medical meals, dairy processing and so on.With more than 30 million yuan of instruments and equipment such as transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscope, fluorescence microscope, cytogenetic workstation, two-way electrophoresis instrument, liquid chromatography, flow cytometry, photosynthetic assay system, etc., it can carry out scientific research in biology and related fields at the population, individual, cellular and molecular levels.

In the past five years, it has undertaken more than 110 scientific research projects at all levels such as the National Key R&D Program Project, the Major Special Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the Ministry of Education, the Provincial Science and Technology Plan, the Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and the Provincial University Science and Technology Plan, with a total funding of more than 20 million yuan.In the past five years, he has published more than 100 articles in important academic journals (SCI or above) at home and abroad;Published more than 10 textbooks and academic monographs;Won more than 20 awards at all levels;More than 50 patents have been applied, of which 38 have been authorized.

The School of Life Sciences is a united and harmonious collective, and over the years has formed a college style of "good manners, democratic unity, harmony and fraternity, entrepreneurship and enterprising".Under the new situation, under the leadership of the Party Committee of the University, the faculty and staff of the College are striving to open up and innovate continuously, so as to make new contributions to building the College of Life Sciences into a high-level teaching and research college at an early date and to building a high-level comprehensive university.